Sunday, September 16, 2012

His & Her Q & A

How did your other half make you feel loved this past week?
When you come to the door when I get home and give me a hug and kisses...especially when you don't have pants on.
Her: Promised me that we can get a dog someday.
What was your biggest hobby as a little kid?
His: Playing with toy tractors.
Her: Playing basketball on my AAU team.
My AAU team in 4th grade...we were pretty awesome :)
What about the world makes you sad?
His: Hardworking people that don't make enough money and people that make a lot of money don't work hard enough.
Her: That there are so many kids out there that live terrible lives because their parents aren't fit to be parents.
What about the world makes you happy?
His: Motorcycles
Her: Target
What is your current favorite song? (Post youtube links/videos if possible!)
His: Time is love by Josh Turner
Hers: I don't really have a favorite but I've been listening to this one a lot should check out other songs these guys sing. They are freaking amazing.

If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be? (I don't know is not allowed!)
His: Probably back home working a crap job.
Her: In North Carolina...not sure what job I'd have.

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
His: Riding motorbikes.
Her: Sitting around a campfire. What? That's not an activity??

What was your favorite memory from the wedding celebration/reception? (NOT THE CEREMONY. If not married yet- what do you most look forward to about your wedding celebration/reception?)
His: All our friends and family getting together and having a big party. (So romantic this one...)
Her: I'm looking forward to everything about it...hard to say what will be my favorite. Probably our first dance.

What are some traditions that you now share together?
His: Watching Friends at 10:00
Her: Pretty much. We haven't been together for our birthdays or Christmas yet...hopefully we'll be starting some traditions this year!

What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
His: I got to show you around Wisconsin on the bike and got to tour all those houses that you liked by the lake.
Her: My visit to NC.
His&Her Q&A

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