I'm fairly certain that no one besides my mom and sister really read this blog. But if anyone else reads this...please, please offer your opinion or advice.
So Rayce and I have been in a relationship for over a year now...we live together, shit's serious. I can't imagine my life without him in it. I love him so much sometimes it hurts. Our relationship is honestly almost perfect. I don't need to go into detail about why I love us and our relationship because I could be here all day. We only have one issue...and it's a HUGE one.
We live here:
Rayce doesn't. You see the problem...
The biggest reason I want to move back to NC is because my mom and my sister live there...and I'm super close with both of them. But...Rayce's family lives here in Iowa and he's super close with them. Big problem.
My other reasons for wanting to move there are that there is seriously nothing to do in Iowa. All we ever do with friends is go to the same townie bars and drink. And I don't even really drink much so I'm always the mostly sober person dealing with all the obnoxious drunk people...not fun. In NC there is SO much to do! Raleigh has so many good restaurants, parks, museums, lakes, hiking trails...I'M SO BORED HERE! I'm seriously going nuts I swear.
Another reason, I love the beach. Like really love it. Raleigh (where we would most likely live) is 2 hours from the ocean and 2 hours from the mountains. PERFECTION!
Another reason...jobs. There are no good jobs here, not joking. I've looked. Raleigh is obviously way bigger so there are many many more jobs. I've looked.
Another reason...the weather. I HATE WINTER! Always have, always will. Snow and ice...no thank you. NC has damn near perfect weather. Sure, it's f'ing hot in the summer which I don't love. But for 9 months out of the year, it's beautiful. Iowa...not so much. Feels like winter last foreverrrrr.
So there's that. My reasons.
Rayce has told me that he would {probably} be willing to move there for a year but that he knows he'll want to move back to Iowa. Even if he loves it there. He does not want to live away from his family, which I get. I don't either...but I am. And I can't handle it. So say we move there...a year later he wants to move back to Iowa...I don't. What would happen then? I'm not going to want to leave NC.
This probably isn't even making sense.
Basically Rayce wants to stay in Iowa because his family and friends are here. I want to move to NC because my family is there (amoung other reasons). WHAT THE FUCK TO WE DO?! Basically one of us is going to be unhappy. Or we break up. Which breaks my heart just thinking about.
Do I stay in Iowa and hate everything except being with him? Or do I move to NC (without him?) and love everything except being without him?
Some people have told me to just go and if he loves me he'll come. Well that would be nice, but that's not fair because then if I love him, wouldn't I stay? I don't know...any help would be appreciated.